Wednesday 22 May 2013

22 May 2013.............Contemplation

I once read a poem "THE EDUCATION ON NATURE" when I was in X class it was written by William wordsworth . One of the famous poet we have hear about. He wrote about lucy, a flower whom nature want to grow up as he wanted. Everything was planned and going to be execute but she died and left him alone. With the small poem william want to teach something what he feel at that time , he wants to share his feelings with a lesson. Lesson to be prepare for everything, anything of worst situation. Sometimes you planned everything with perfection but still you fall, you crawl and you break so be prepare for every pain that you are going to feel.
I still remember a poem written by shri Rabindranath tagore, "FLUTE MUSIC". he tells about condition of lower class man who tries to save kerosene oil expenses by staying till late night at railway station and live with a lizard in an empty room. He also describes how sometimes the man sleep hungry but the lizard never be. He tells about slummy condition of that area where the man lives. But he find peace when he heard a FLUTE MUSIC.
I also want to talk about an another poem "KUBLA KHAN" by S T coleridge. In this poem poet tells and talk about wonderful work of imagination. Imagination that can lead to recreation.

My motive to talk about all these poems is that whenever you feel low, tensed and in pain do not lay down. Be prepare yourself. As life is all about uncertainties.

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